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Canadian Website Hosting – is there a difference? Managed Hosting in Toronto or the US

By: Rob Parker

One common myth about the World Wide Web is that it is supposed to even the playing field. Web site owners and developers launch in the belief that their sites, when managed properly, will appear in search engines all over the world somewhere and that this will carry across no matter what country the web host is located in.

While there are some truths in this assumption, the fact is that just as much research and “trickery” is involved in getting your web site noticed as would be needed in a regular advertising campaign. At this point, almost everyone is aware of the concept of search engine optimization; getting a site to rank highly on the major search engines (Google, Yahoo!, MSN, AskJeeves, etc.), the tools most often used by web surfers.

The thing about SEO is that as straightforward as it sounds, there are a lot of hidden secrets that may help or hinder your web site’s rankings, and thus your chances at getting traffic. One of these little known secrets is the location of the web host.

Country specific searches

In order to understand what kind of impact the country has on a web search, we are going to use the Google example. Most Canadian citizens are not aware of it, but when you point your browser to Google from a machine with a Canadian IP address, you are automatically routed to Google Canada’s site, not the Google referred to in the American sense. Google Canada tends to favour Canadian based sites over sites from other countries, all other factors being equal.

What this means for the web site developer

If you are trying to reach a worldwide market, this will really have no effect on your web site. Google, American style, has no such restrictions, and your site will rank well as long as you follow good SEO practices. On the other hand, if you were trying to reach a customer base in Canada, you would probably want to select a web host based out of Toronto rather than one in the United States.

You have a better chance of ranking higher on a search from anywhere in Canada on Google and the other big engines as well. Best of all, it won’t hurt your chances of reeling in American surfers, because you aren’t affected by a Canadian hosted location when it comes to State side searches.

So choosing a Canadian web hosting company will definitely assist you in the Canadian market, and will not harm you in the American market. All things considered, choosing a Canadian host will probably be the best move for your site.

Article Source: The Article Library

If you are looking for affordable web hosting Toronto you must take into account your company's needs and budget, and the degree to which you want to "do it yourself".

Privacy on the Internet

By: helen

Spyware is part of an overall public concern about privacy on the Internet. Experts in the field of Internet privacy have a consensus that Internet privacy doesn’t actually exist.

It has been noted that spyware infects nearly 90% of Internet connected PC’s, with the main bulk of it coming from the installation of software. By installing certain software you could be placing media plugins, spyware, backdoor santa’s and Trojans on your PC; all of which are being placed there without your permission.

It is due to the increase in spyware that makes it important that you check and read all the disclosures, license agreement and privacy statements as sometimes the inclusion of unwanted spyware is documented within one of these. So just what happens to the information that is collected by companies through the use of spyware? It is believed that this information is potentially being sold and combined with other databases to build up profiles of individual web users for direct marketing purposes.

When spyware is present on your computer it performs certain behaviours such as advertising, collecting personal information or changing the configuration of your computer. Spyware has the ability to change your home page as well as adding additional components to your browser that you don’t need and don’t want. These changes can slow your computer down as well as being the cause of it crashing. Marketing firms often object to their programmes being referred to as spyware, which is why you may hear it being referred to as potentially unwanted programmes (PUP).

Spyware is made up by any technology that aids in gathering information about a person without their knowledge. This information that is gathered is then relayed to advertisers and other interested parties.

One example of spyware that most people will easily recognise is a cookie. This well known mechanism is used for storing data about an Internet user. If a website stores information about you in a cookie that you don’t know about it can be considered as being spyware.

Although spyware doesn’t steal personal information such as credit card numbers or you’re identify there is a real concern that this could happen in the future with yet more Internet and computer advancements. Spyware does however track your Internet use. It keeps a record of the products that you purchase and the type of websites that you visit and then uses this information to target advertisements at you based on its findings. For example if you have brought a number of comedy DVD’s or frequently visit sites to do with comedy, you may notice advertisements on many of the Internet pages that you visit will be based around comedy. The fact that this can actually happen is worrying; it demonstrates a real threat to our private lives and shines as an example of how easy it would be to use software such as spyware to gain confidential files and credit information.

There are a number of anti spyware solutions available to you, some of which are free, it is highly advised that you invest in an anti spyware solution as it can stop potential threats before it’s too late.

Article Source: The Article Library

Helen is the web master of MySpamBin, specialists in all your Spyware Solution needs.

The Advance Of Internet Radio

By: Lavinia Snider

Internet radio is occasionally an overlooked feature of the Internet. The act of broadcasting music over the Internet in this way is referred to as streaming music and there are many stations that offer streaming over the Internet. You will often find that your favorite terrestrial station can be found online, but there are just as many radio stations that are transmitted solely over the Internet. One of the biggest benefits of Internet radio is that the data is transmitted over the Internet making it possible to listen to radio stations from all over the world. Expatriates find this particularly beneficial.

Similarly, though, it is also cheaper to produce music over the Internet and this means that smaller stations with a smaller fan base than mainstream radio requires are able to run their own radio station. This makes it perfect for those who like particular genres of music to find exactly what they are looking for.

Internet Talk Radio was the first ever Internet radio service and was established in 1993 and in 1995 the first radio service published only on the Internet was introduced – Radio HK. Since then the number of stations opening on the Internet has increased dramatically. Peercasting, or P2P technology, makes it even easier to start an Internet radio station so it is likely that there will be even more stations in the near future.

Internet radio is perfect for people in small towns that are monopolized by only two or three radio stations and are forced to listen to one playlist of songs over and over. With internet radio the possibility of gaining access to music that a person likes is greatly increased.
Whether you are looking for radio broadcasts from countries miles away or you want to listen to one particular genre of music you can be virtually assured of finding a station that caters to your needs. You can even find chat stations that deal with one particular topic. The quality of sound and the quality of the programs distributed are both excellent. If you haven’t tried Internet Radio before, you should try it now.

Article Source: The Article Library

Lavinia Snider is the editor of Internet Radio Guide. Find out everything about internet radio. Get reviews and resources on the best internet radio software, hardware, and radio channels.

Accept Preorder for New design of CECT P168+ Mobile Phone cellphone Quadband bluetooth

By: yytmobile

This is not CECT P168, but another new model called P168+ .Much more beatiful and powerful functions.(The phone was exact the same with our picture in this listing.)Sample phone is available now . Please email us to enquiry about the price and other terms.

Make an orders from us :
We accept worldwide order
1st Consignment Date :before Feb 14th ,2008
MINI Order Quantity : Above 50 pcs

Dual SIM
Shake Control
Multi-point touch screen
Metal black cover

language:Chinese,English ,can expanded to 15 countries language
LCD:3.5’ TFT 26K 240×320px .
RingTone:64 Polyphonic Ring tone;Support:mp3?midi?wav;Coming call shows:Personal tone,personal pictures,personal movie .caller zone
Music play:MP3 Background play,two speakers
Movie play:3GP,MP4, support 320*240 full screen play,
2 Mega Pixels Camera (5X zoom, white balance, night mode, 8 special effects)
Calculator, unit exchange, currency exchange, health management, world time
Multiple alarm (even power off) , calendar, to do list (alert) , mem
Phonebooks categorized by groups (various ring tone) and Blacklist
WAP, Push Mail
64 polyphonic, MP3 Ring tone
GPRS, SMS, MMS, Voice Mail, Cell Broadcast S
elf melody compose
Flight mode
Music and Video: MP3, WMA, MP4, 3GP
Sound/telecom Recording
Dada link:USB cable/Bluetooth
Picture support:JPG
Contacts:500 pieces contact list
Rurn on/off:Auto or manual
Other functions:MP3?MP4 ?Group SMS send?Sound record?WAP?handwrite input?MMS ?Memory extend?GPRS,dual sim single standby..........
TriBand: GSM 900/1800/1900 GSM 850 (optional)
Talk time:180-300 minutes
Standby time:150-240 hours
Style : handwrite + keyboard
Size :130*62*18mm
Package Included

CECT P168+
GSM Handset
2 x 1350mAH Li-ion Batteries
PC/USB Cable
PC/USB/mains chargers
(http://www.yytmobile.com/product_info.php?products_id=56&osCsid=d340a767ed27e4642c92257b7a01c510 )
Contact information :
+86.13530385444 (Mr. Du)
YueYang Triangle Eletronic Products Co,ltd.

Article Source: http://www.yourarticle.info

Spin Your Wheels To SUCCESS!

By: Fly Pen

(c) By Michael Nicholas

Have you ever gotten caught on a slippery road and felt the wheels under you spinning and going nowhere?

Well, you don't really need to be in a car to know what I'm talking about because this scene has been played out metaphorically many times as well.

It's the feeling of not getting to your destination and it's an unpleasant result... Spinning your wheels is being out of control and getting nowhere while trying to get somewhere.

And when you apply this to reaching success it's not only frustrating, but it can also crush your spirit to move on and upward.

But let me tell you a secret of success that is in every revolution of a spinning wheel. This is something that is difficult to see while you are trying to navigate toward success.

It's like a thick fog or night blindness and it wants to throw you off course so you lose your way. It's a false/positive state of mind that wants to lead you down the wrong road to failure where you may easily think it's time to give up. After all it's quite easy to stop the engine and park it...

BUT... wait a minute... What if all the while your wheels were turning you were moving toward success little by little and didn't realize it? What if you were moving in revolutions that didn't feel like you were moving at all but you really were?...

And what if you didn't stop your wheels from spinning BUT kept them going in that same very direction you set out on?... Well this is the road to success, my friend, and YOU are on it...
At first being on the road to success may feel like you are going nowhere... This is where the weak give up and move to something else many times repeating the scenario over and over never getting anywhere.

They just think they are spinning their wheels and give up way too early. But if you have a goal you want to accomplish... something you really feel strong and dedicated about - don't yield to the false/positive feelings of failure.

Why? Because the feelings of failure WILL come greet you... That you can be sure of. But pay no mind to failure because it's not a reality unless you accept it. Many times it's only the fear of failure - so just ignore it.

These feelings are just part of the journey leading to your success. However, if you keep on driving toward your goal without taking your eyes off of the road, but stay put even when things look, feel and taste like a losing battle... Your reward for riding through the storm is SUCCESS.
And yes it's been there the whole time... but this destination does not come easy to those that give up.

Remember this...
When it looks like nothing is happening... look again, give it time and even more time... Then when you have stayed the course your journey requires... that's when success is right around the corner.

Therefore, one of the real secrets of success is when it doesn't seem like success... it can still very much be you are on a successful journey leading right to it.

So don't cut yourself off and just spin your wheels... Spin Your Wheels To SUCCESS!
Michael Nicholas publishes his weekly newsletter, Success Triggers, featuring tips for online marketers worldwide. If you want to trigger your online success, come join Michael and receive FREE gifts that can help boost your online marketing starting today. ===> http://www.SuccessTriggers.com

Article Source: http://www.yourarticle.info

WISPs and Bandwidth Management

By: Tyler Greyfield

Most Internet service providers have a bandwidth limit. Even if they advertise unlimited Internet, there is usually some level of transfer that will red flag in their system and cause them to take action. This is usually in the form of calling you to up-sell their service or, in extreme situations, cutting off your service.

Most people will never run into this problem. ISPs can advertise unlimited data because the soft cap (this is the bandwidth limit) is so ridiculously high that a user would have to try pretty hard to hit it. Most users can go about their business without ever coming even remotely close to the limit.

So why impose limits? From a consumer standpoint, many feel cheated by the fact that they are not really getting unlimited service when they’re paying for "unlimited service." But this is more to protect an ISP or WISPs customer base than anything else, after all - they don’t make more money by cutting off people’s service.

How does a bandwidth cap improve customer experience? The simple answer is that ISPs can ensure that they do not oversell their bandwidth.
So what’s the big deal with bandwidth getting oversold? As an ISP or WISP operator, you want to ensure that you are providing good service for your customers. Unfortunately your pipe is only so big, so it has to be shared between your customers. Giving one customer access to the whole pipe means that he could use all the bandwidth available and leave all the other customers with slow or no service.

So you give each customer a fraction of the pipe. Bandwidth is sold by calculating the average load per customer so you can sell to the most customers while still providing good service. If all those customers get on and try to download a bunch of data at the same exact time, you will run into problems because the bandwidth is sold to accommodate average usage.

So if one customer is maxing out his portion of the pipe most of the time by downloading huge amounts of data, it is more likely that other customers are going to run into problems. The line needs to be shared, and one person hogging up the line is going to cause unhappy customers and possibly people dropping their service. It is better to cut off the "trouble maker" and keep your customers who aren't causing problems.

With properly allocated bandwidth resources, you should never be running into problems. Everyone will have great service and will be happy.

Sometimes an ISP or WISP will want to sell service plans by bandwidth. This is different from unlimited plans because instead of a soft cap you have a hard cap. This may be set anywhere from a couple gigabytes a month an up, depending on several factors like the size of the service provider’s pipe. When a customer reaches their limit - say 2GB - their service is simply cut off, or they are redirected to a page telling them they need to upgrade their plan. This is the best solution for Wireless ISPs who don’t necessarily have the capacity to give unlimited transfer to everyone on their network.

Sometime these hard-cap plans are better for consumers because they know exactly what to expect. Having an unlimited plan cut off from over usage can come as a surprise to a customer, but if you have a 2GB plan and you’re cut off after 2GB, you won’t be surprised at all.
These plans are also better for environments where your average user is a light to medium Internet user. Someone who checks their email every day, browses around for a few hours a week, and doesn’t download a lot of media will probably be fine with a plan that gives them a couple of gigabytes.

Bandwidth limits help to ensure high quality service on a shared line. If you are an extremely heavy user, you should expect to pay more for your service - after all - you’re using more than most people on the network.

Article Source: http://www.yourarticle.info

Powercode is a leading provider of full backend WISP solutions. Besides an excellent and robust WISP billing solution, they offer bandwidth management solutions to WISPs large and small.

Why Go Wireless With Your ISP?

By: Tyler Greyfield

When it comes to ISPs, most of the main players are traditional, wired service providers. This is traditionally seen as the more reliable and secure method of data transmission. However, advances over the years in wireless technology over the years have improved the security and reliability of wireless networks.

So when do you want to use a wireless network? There are many scenarios when you need a wireless network, some when you should use a wireless network, and many where you could use either. In this article, we will discuss the where, whens, and whys of Wireless ISPs.
The most obvious example of a place that is perfect for a WISP is in a mountainous region. When installing wired infrastructure, uneven mountainous terrain presents a problem. In addition, since the nodes (homes) tend to be further apart, you end up doing a lot of work just to wire up a single home.

This is the ideal situation for a WISP. Network connectivity can be transmitted via standard 802.11 wireless protocols or via microwave transmitters.

In this situation, only one home in a mountainous area needs to be wired (or receive internet via satellite or other means). Then that home acts as a hub for all the other homes in the area. Many WISP owners have been successful covering an entire valley and providing all their neighbors with internet connectivity. Since there are usually no other options for Internet, it’s not too difficult to find clients.

Another scenario in which a wireless ISP is desirable is in an apartment complex. Since access points generally cover an area in the shape of a large sphere, one access point can cover a lot of users by placing it on the center of the middle-most floor. Larger buildings can be divided up by visualizing wireless spheres and placing them with a generous overlap in coverage.

Providing Internet access like this to tenants is ideal, because only one good backbone connection is needed and no additional wiring to individual units is necessary. As cable internet, fiber optic, dsl, and new mediums for Internet connectivity are rolled out, the building does not need to be rewired each and every time. All connectivity and network issues can be taken care of from the access points. Installation in this situation is usually easy and Internet can be provided from a maintenance closet, lease office, or a tenants apartment (who gets discounted connectivity in return for keeping the equipment in his or her apartment).

New construction areas are ideal for wireless ISPs. Often wired service providers are slow to roll out their networks in new areas, causing a high demand for Internet services. A WISP can gain enough clients in an area like this to have a strong hold when the wired service providers come rolling in. If you provide good service to your clients, they will have no reason to change and go with a wired service provider.

A WISP can be installed and run successfully in any type of neighborhood, but keep in mind that neighborhoods covering large areas with homes that are far apart are more difficult to cover.
When picking out an area to install, there are a few things to consider besides physical layout. You need to ask yourself ¨Is this area ripe for new clients?¨ Older neighborhoods or neighborhoods with low turnover are not going to see a lot of new clients because people may already have an ISP and have no need to change.

On the other hands, areas with high turnover and a younger population result in plenty of people constantly looking for new service. If they turn on their computers and see your access point, it’s very easy for them to come to your ISP for instant service.
Keeping in mind the things discussed in this article will help you more strategically plan your ISP rollout. If your a customer, then this article will help you know what to expect in your area and maybe even inspire you to start your own WISP for you and your neighbors.

Article Source: http://www.yourarticle.info